Fellowship Church is on mission in 2025!
Learn about all the opportunities available to serve people and reach the lost for Jesus below.
May 25 – June 4
South Africa Summer
Where: Dayizenza, South Africa
What: A team will head to Dayizenza, South Africa to serve the carepoint and people Fellowship Church sponsors through the Children’s Cup organization.
Cost: $2,500 and $3,200
March 28-29
Weekend in NOLA – LAReachHaiti
Where: New Orleans Seminary
What: The trip is a fundraising effort for the ongoing work of LAReachHaiti and an outreach to the Haitian community in New Orleans. Every person that joins the mission will help to raise $500 to fund an on-going work. In addition to the fundraising is a weekend trip to New Orleans to tour NOBTS and do ministry with a local Haitian Church, Connect International.
Cost: $500
June 8-13
Joni and Friends – Disability Camp
What: Imagine yourself serving at a camp designed for anyone; including a family on mission. This trip is a part of making a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity and their place in the body of Christ!
Cost: $360 + transportation
Poland – Music and Arts
Where: Poland
What: Join us as we work with a mission partner in Poland to reach the lost with the light of Christ through music and arts.
Cost: $2500-3000
July 10-12
Connect International – NOLA VBS
Where: 1110 Kabel Drive, New Orleans
What: Partner with Connect International Church in New Orleans to throw a kids party for the community. It’s three days of VBS that can have eternal impact. We drive over each afternoon and work with a church plant team that has access to an existing church. You can help one day or all three.
Cost: Free
Nov 23 – Dec 3
South Africa – Thanksgiving
Where: Dayizenza, South Africa
What: A team will head to Dayizenza, South Africa to serve the carepoint and people Fellowship Church sponsors through the Children’s Cup organization.
Cost: $2,500 and $3,200
Nov 21-28
Where: El Naranjal, Honduras
What: Join our mission team to travel to Honduras, sign up for the prayer team or support someone who is going. Everyone can get involved in supporting our Honduran church planters. While in Honduras, we will help with a variety of projects to support church outreaches, do evangelism in the community and interacting with many to build vital relationships. Some trips include projects where we build and repair to support local church needs.
Cost: $1500